Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Online Shopping is Convenient

Online shopping has become a nightmare for retailers. Value-chain stores are losing foot traffic, which becomes detrimental to the market as well as the employees. Customers are shopping online for all types of reasons such as: convenience, avoiding overcrowded stores, price, and the variety of choices online. Retailers have laid off employees as well as shut down multiple stores. The amount of money it costs to maintain and up keep a facility is outweighing the profit coming in. Retailers have converted to more online products. For example, Macy’s has closed about one hundred stores; however, their online traffic stays steady. To combat these changes, stores have improved their customer service. Customers have stated that they enjoy the experience they receive when shopping for a product. Product development and improved training techniques have been instilled in employees to better serve their customers.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Music Production

Recording music requires time and patience. A song can require multiple instruments which entails multi-track recording. This is used to arrange the music as well as edit for better quality, and mastering. 

Sunday, November 6, 2016

How to Run a Record Label


How To Run a Record Label

It is crucial to set up core values as to why you’re building a record label. Be ready to adapt as quickly as the industry does, ask for help, fake it until you make it, and love your business as your craft.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Quote for life

"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation."
-Herman Melville

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Biz Letter Format

Business Letter Formatting

When formatting a business letter, you must include:

a. Sender’s Name and Address

b. Date

c. Recipient’s Name and Address

d. Greetings/ Salutation

e. Subject (Underlined)

f. Content (Body)

g. Complimentary Close

h. Signature (and name, position)

The business letter can include a letterhead or forego one; however, it is solely your preference.

This video is an exceptional method of formatting a business letter. The speaker gives the viewers an appropriate approach to writing a business letter, so that he/she may give a positive impression to whomever. The speaker is able to go in depth of the particular elements, providing examples for each. Although the video is detailed with examples, some of the text on those were too small. Moreover, this is an informative and imperative video for anyone in the professional field.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Informative Writing! Why?

Informative WRITING

Today's topic is on informative writing. While writing may all seem the same, the purpose will change the meaning. With informative writing, it is used to educate on a certain topic. This can be done through gathering more information on that concept. Important key factors are to outline and structure properly with a beginning, middle, and conclusion. This video is worthwhile for beginning writers as well as seasoned writers. I appreciated the originality of the video, the speaker was able to keep viewers engaged by the change in frequency of her voice. Also, the information given was simple and did not include dynamic words that were hard to understand without a dictionary. However, she could improve on the visuals because they did become repetitive.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Why Business?

I chose to study business because I want to manage my own record label. I seek freedom and value the ability to control my work experiences.  Managing my own record label would provide me with stability of my future as well as my families future. I most importantly love music, I am a musician and my passion is qualitative of my success.